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Learn to skate update

Hi all, hoping you are enjoying your learn to skate course so far.. we are now into week 2 of 6 and nearly everyone is moving alone and progressing each week which is great to see..

But what can you do between classes to help you with your skating?

Get those skates on! Whether it's in the kitchen, the park, the garden or at our tuesday social sessions, get on your skates as often as possible. Confidence is key and more time those skates are on the more your confidence will grow.

What if you can't get on skates? Well you can always dry train. Dry training is skating moves performed without skates. It's great at building good muscle memory. So try those moves out even off skates.

STRETCH. All our club skaters have to take part in Flex class, the more flexible you become the easier skating can be. So pop ovet to youtube and search for exercises for figure skaters. Find beginner videos and get flexing!

Finally... BALANCE.. heres a link to some excellent beginner balance exercises.

See you all soon.x

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